
#Test Shape class

from Shape import Shape, Circle, Triangle, Rectangle

def testShape():

    'Test Shape class'

    #Create instane of Shape



    print('Object S1')

    c =s1.color

    print('Color attibute: ',c)



    print('ID',id(s1)) #Display memory reference

    print ("--------------------")

    print('Object S2')



    print('ID',id(s2))#Display memory reference

    print ("--------------------")   

    print('Total Shapes ',s2.count)

    print('Total Shapes ',Shape.count)

    #Garbage collect object

    del s1

    del s2

def displayShapeMetadata():

    print ("--------------------")

    print ("Shape Metadata")

    print ("Shape.__doc__:", Shape.__doc__)

    print ("Shape.__name__:", Shape.__name__)

    print ("Shape.__module__:", Shape.__module__)

    print ("Shape.__bases__:", Shape.__bases__)

    print ("Shape.__dict__:", Shape.__dict__)

def testCircle():

    c1 = Circle(2,'Red',5)

    c2 = Circle(3,'Blue')

    c3 = Circle(4)

    print("Object C1")


    print('Border Width',c1.borderWidth)

    print("Area of Circle is ",c1.area())





    print("Shape count ",Shape.count)   

def testTriangle():

    t1 = Triangle(10,5)

    print("Object T1")

    print("Area of Triangle is ",t1.area())



def testRectangle():

    r1 = Rectangle(5,10,'Red',6)

    print("Object R1")

    print("Area of Rectangle is ",r1.area())







